Warmachine Starter Sets Part 3 of 4 – Circle Orboros!

Part 3 of 4 is no officially complete. After painting the two Warmachine starter sets I have to say painting the Hordes starter sets is like a breath of fresh air. The models are noticeably better figs across the board. Other then the Warpborn Skinwalkers (the unit of...


So I finally got off my ass and started painting some more Tyranids as they are incredibly close to being 100% finished (just 19 Gargoyles, 12 Termagants and 6 Ymgarls). Pleased to see that from such a huge break I still have the scheme down pretty well. After...

Warmachine Starter Sets Part 2 of 4 – Menoth!

So here is part 2 in this 4 part series of speed painting some Warmachine starter sets. The only reason I am posting this right now actually is to completely embarrass Greedo's attempts at Menoth (well, not really lol). If I am going to be serious for a sec I remember...

Warmachine Starter Sets Part 1 of 4 – Khador!

I haven't really posted a whole lot recently just due to work and the fact that the family has been constantly sick for 2 straight months. I have been very busy though and just plowing through a bunch of projects. This post is the first of a 4 part series that my...

New Project – Trollbloods Army!

Lately I have been losing a lot of interest in 40k. Certain things about this edition just aren't doing it for me and I am not finding it terribly fun. So with that being said I have been looking into other games. I tried getting into Warhammer Fantasy by doing...