Eldar Phoenix Bomber…Complete!

So in my last few posts I have been mentioning doing a larger project for my Eldar and this is the first model for that project.A couple months ago I was talking to my friend Jon, shooting the shit about warhammer like we always do, and we started talking about his...

Dark Reaper Exarch….Complete!

I have been working away at about 5 different projects all at the same time and I managed to get a good block of time yesterday just to work on this guy.Basically, for all my Aspect Warriors for my Ulthwe army I didnt want to do the usual colours for them (ie orange...

Failed Projects…

As most folks into the Wargaming hobby I try to start a lot of projects that I just can't seem to keep the momentum going. I have tried doing 40k Orks about 4 or 5 times (posted a bunch of pics here) and even though I LOVE the model range, one of the best out there...

Updating Dark Eldar!

I have been talking for a long time now about updating my Dark Eldar and adding design work to the vehicles and things like Jetbikes. I managed to get a bit of work in a couple weeks ago and finished off my 3 Venoms (also almost finished a 4th Venom too). As I worked...

Destroyer Lord Complete!

I managed to pick up 5 Destroyers from my friend Scott and one of them happened to be missing his arms and head, so why not convert him into a Destroyer Lord? It's a super simple conversion as you can see. Just used some extra parts from my "Crytpek" Lychguard box....