Eldar Wraithlord Complete!

As I mentioned yesterday I have been altering what I have been painting to help keep things fresh. I have really been enjoying working on my Eldar lately and have a bunch of new stuff for them in the works.The first main thing I wanted to finish was this Wraithlord...

Dark Eldar Trueborn Complete!

After a very long hiatus from blogging due to it being m busy season at work and a move into our new house I now finally have a permanent painting station and a photo station so I will (hopefully) be back uploading things on a regular basis again. Over the last few...

Winter War is Upon us!!!

Over the weekend I attended a 20 person tournament at a local game store. The tournament was 1500pts and allowed Forgeworld (40k approved), Allies and Fortifications with no comp scores which meant no limitations. I know for many of you this might sound like a...

Cryptek and Warriors Complete!

On December 1st there is a tournament coming up (1500pts) and after playing a bunch of test games I decided I wanted to change things up a bit. I was noticing that the regular lord in my Immortals squad was doing virtually nothing other then providing a small buff in...


Soooo...I realized I literally JUST posted an article called "Necron Army...Complete!" so I do get the irony of immediately finishing more models for this army. So, I had a bit of free time over the weekend and figured I would paint up this guy.  Even though he...