Necron Army Complete!

It took a while to actually get a chance to get a real shot of the whole army together. Overall the army took me about 16 days total to paint (full days…like 8-10 hour days). When you consider that my Dark Eldar took a full year of work or my Nids were about two I...


The great Eldar revamp continues. It was slow again at work this weekend so I spent some time fixing up my Vypers and started work on my Wraithlord (will have him done soon). Below I have a pic of the original Vyper that was painted up for my old Ulthwe Strike Force...

Keeping Busy…

Over the last couple weeks I have just been plugging away at some current projects. The number one thing I am working on right now is the mega Eldar revamp to update them to 6th ed. I added a new unit of Dark Reapers to replace the 3rd ed ones I have. This way I get...

War Walkers…Finished!

After recently completing my new Necron Army I was somewhat at a loss as what to do next. I spent about a week looking over the Chaos codex when I came into the same issue I do when I look at the regular Marine codex...I have no idea how to build an army with this...

Tomb Spiders and Scarabs Complete!

I managed to get some more time in to fully finish off the Necron army (well...everything I own at this point). It feels good to have a set size for an army and then just fully finish that project. Literally my Eldar, Dark Eldar and Nids all have 400+pts at least...