6th ed Chaos Codex Initial Thoughts

So I had a chance to look through the Chaos codex this week. First thing you notice when looking through the book is the overall quality of the product. Everything from the fantastic layout to the full colour artwork is just top notch. There are lots of things to...

More Dark Vengeance!

My friend Jason has been hard at work over the last week just plowing through the Imperial half of the new starter set.  Been really cool getting update pics on how things are shaping up. He recently sent me some pics of his completed Librarian (one of my fav...

Ghost Ark…Complete!

So here is the final model in my 1500pts list, the mighty Ghost Ark. I have to say this thing is the biggest hog ever to build and paint. Building it took roughly 5 hours and painting it was about another 13. Despite all of that I love the form and its size as it...

Tomb Blades Complete!

These were one of the sets of models that made me decide that I really wanted to play Necrons. I just loved the overall form and how they look genuinely alien and bizzare. They also carry through the "circular" aesthetic that the vehicles have very nicely which ...

Barges…of Annihilation! Complete!

As promised here are both Barges complete with their finished bases. I actually managed to finish both of these in one shot over a weekend which I was really proud about. Overall they were really enjoyable to paint (as with the rest of the army). If I had one tip for...