Vengeance…that is DARK!

Literally all my friends have picked this set up and have started in on the fantastic models. They are easily the best starter set models save maybe Space Hulk I have ever seen. As anyone who has read this blog for any amount of time will guess there isn't a whole lot...

Necron Royalty…Complete!

Here is a quick update of the full Royal Court including the Overlord for this army. One thing I noticed once I built the regular Lord is that his pose is the exact same as the Overlord which I kind of feel like a bonehead about. Ah well, nothing I can do about it now...

Large Warrior Squad Complete!

I am a bit behind on posting pics for this army. Currently I am at the point where I just need to put the finishing touches on my Ghost Ark and my 1500pts force is totally painted. I just need to get a bit more time in the evenings to get some pics taken lol. Over the...

Deep Thoughts…Dark Eldar in 6th Edition!

“Boxing is like Ballet,Except the dancers where tutusAnd hit each other”- Jake HandeyAfter doing my first tournament here are a couple things in regards to Dark Eldar and 6th ed in general.- Vehicle Durability: The main thing I have heard about this edition is how...

Night Scythe Complete!

A quick little update before I post the second part of my Tournament recap. I finished this about 3 weeks ago and I finally got around to taking some pictures for it. I am currently leaving all the OSL off the rest of the Necron models with the intention of going back...