Dozer and Smig WIP #2

Over the weekend I got in another good chunk of time. I finished the last of his main body and both his arms. I also almost finished Smigg (little troll riding his back) and the main gun. I *should* be able to finish him after work over the week and have the final...
Dozer and Smig WIP #1

Dozer and Smig WIP #1

I got a good 5 hours of painting over the weekend on this guy. I decided like any of the bigger models I have painted I was going to paint this guy in sections. One of the really nice things about him is how seamlessly his joints fit together, so its a non issue...
Privateer Press is Upping Their Game…

Privateer Press is Upping Their Game…

When trying to get friends (specifically 40k friends) into playing Warmachine/Hordes the single biggest gripe is how bad the models look. I will be honest that is why it took me so long to get into WM myself. Now that I am into the game my biggest gripe so far has...
Legion of Everblight: Beast Test

Legion of Everblight: Beast Test

Here is a quick follow up to the post I did last Thursday. I put in some time to try out a beast for this painting style. It's one of their light beasts called a Naga. I kept in line with the black and white scheme while pushing the blood effects out of its mouth. In...
Thinking of Starting Something New…

Thinking of Starting Something New…

I realized recently that I am actually coming up on the tail end of my Trolls. I only have about 25 models left to paint (one big unit of 15, a couple small 3 man units and a few casters) so I have started thinking about what project I want to do once this one is...