Storm Troll Complete!

Storm Troll Complete!

It's crazy how much nicer the newer Troll models are compared to the older ones. Case in point is the Storm Troll (new) vs. The Slag Troll (super old). The only thing that sucks about this guy is the plastic material that PP uses. It's hands down the worst I have ever...
Tyranid Reshoots…

Tyranid Reshoots…

I have been looking through the blog at a bunch of the older stuff I posted and I cant help but see how dated most of my original pictures are. Most of the pictures were taken with my old iPhone yeah, not great. Here are a few of them with my revised lighting...
Long Riders Complete!

Long Riders Complete!

Both the Scatter Gunners and these Long Riders were painted for a tournament I did a few weeks ago. While I didnt do great for my overall record (Bearka failed TWO assassination attempts!) I did manage to snag best painted. I really enjoyed painting these guys and...
Scatter Gunners Complete!

Scatter Gunners Complete!

Been a long time since I last posted but rest assured I have been busy at work. I finally got my lighting set up sorted out and took a few pics of the most recent things I have finished. First up are one of my least fave units in the entire Troll Blood army...Scatter...
Hunters Grim Complete!

Hunters Grim Complete!

For my Trolls I have been doing the basic army at a fairly brisk pace. It's not that I am "speed painting" them, I am just working at a pace where they look decent...but I am not taking forever for one guy. What I am doing instead is really putting that effort into...