Brun and Lug Complete!

Brun and Lug Complete!

Here are the next batch of Minion Solos for my Epic Borka army. It was really nice taking a small break from Trolls to paint something different. I really enjoyed painting these guys, especially Brun as Lug (the bear) was just fur and metal. I think doing an entire...
Lanyssa Complete!

Lanyssa Complete!

Still plugging away at my two tournament lists for the Trolls. For my heavy armor list I have a few "Minion" solos (both for looks and because of what they do for the army overall). The first Minion is an elf named Lanyssa. She adds a bunch of utility to the list plus...
Horthol Complete!

Horthol Complete!

Now that Horthol is complete I have finally finished off all my Solos, Beasts and my Battle Engine.  My main goal before was to finish each section one at a time (so all beasts, then all solos, etc) but now I think I am just going to start focusing on specific...
Warders Competele!

Warders Competele!

Another weekend, another unit painted. Now that things have settled down at home (kids getting older, wife picking up hobbies) my painting schedule has really opened up from painting a morning or two every week to 4-5 days a week. Been making some real progress on my...
Retribution of Scyrah…Take 2!

Retribution of Scyrah…Take 2!

I keep going back and looking at my first couple of finished Retribution of Scyrah models and for some reason I was just not happy with them. The red isnt great to paint, I am not getting the shade of red I want and the OSL just dont work. In case you forgot the...