Winter Troll Complete!

Winter Troll Complete!

Since finishing 'Bearka' I have been working on Beasts for his battle group. One of the Beasts I thought would work well is a Winter Troll, problem was I didnt have one. So, in exchange for a wall section (like the one I did for Janissa) my friend Rob gave me one. I...
Mulg Complete!

Mulg Complete!

For the longest time I more or less refused to use Mulg. He sounded pretty good but everyone used him, so I was going to focus on using models like the Mountain King or the EBDT instead (just to be different). Then I actually used Mulg...sigh, now I understand lol. To...
Feralgeist Complete!

Feralgeist Complete!

Here is the first ever minion I have painted. I needed to finish him for a tournament I did about 2 weeks ago. He was stupid easy to paint but I gotta say he just might be my least fave fig I have put together. For some insane reason instead of just making him a...
Burrowers Complete!

Burrowers Complete!

Finally starting to knock out a few units for the Trolls. Most of what I have are solos, beasts and casters but the real body of work that needs to be done is on units (I have something like 50 models for my units ready to get painted). Here is the first block of...
Bearka Complete!

Bearka Complete!

After another week of work he is finally finished. Really happy how this one turned out. I did quite a few extra layers on all the shading and high-lighting over and above what I normally do (he IS a Warlock after all lol). He is probably the next best painted model...