Slag Troll…Complete!

Slag Troll…Complete!

I have broken up Troll army into different groups and I am trying to finish one group at a time. The first group I have finished are my Warbeasts.  This is the second last beast I finished with the last being Mulg the Ancient which I will post later this week. I...
Kithkar Complete!

Kithkar Complete!

Another quick update of stuff I have finished in the last month. I have to say this fig is in my top 3 faves for all of Warmachine. Dont know why really, just love the posing and the overall style. His legs are insanely small, with a massive upper body. The thing I am...
Impaler Finished!

Impaler Finished!

Just a quick update of another one of the beasts I have finished recently, the Impaler. I actually had finished this guy a while ago, just never got around to posting any pics. I also got a bit more work on "Bearka" last night so hopefully by Monday I will have...
Horgle Ironstrike…Blacksmith of the Stars!

Horgle Ironstrike…Blacksmith of the Stars!

Both Horgle and Epic Borka were pretty close to being complete with this guy being further along, so I figured I would just hunker down and finish him. Like almost all the Troll figs to date Horgle was another really fun one. My fave part of this fig is how the sword...
"Bearka" WIP #1

"Bearka" WIP #1

A friend of mine recently managed to snag an advanced release of Trollsbloods newest badass, Epic Borka! This is one of the models I have been looking forward to getting for ages. Love everything about it lol. I wanted to try a few new things with this guy,...