Blog Address Change

Need More Tanks started out as a blog about my Guard army, but one of the first things I did with the blog was run a Tale of Four Gamers for my new, second army, of Orks...In the intervening decade, it has become quite clear that Orks are now my primary focus. Thus...

Rumours: Da Clan Rules

OK I know it's only rumours at the moment, but it's intriguing and it's something I have been waiting for ever since I first saw the keyword in the index when 8th first dropped...40k in general had been lacking a way to make armies play to reflect different...

Too Soon

I get the feeling I did my Mad Max Fury Road army a year too soon...I spent a long time painstakingly converting this...And now they're releasing this.Mutha...

Tale of Four Gamers: Let’s Try This Again! Rules

Right, so a bit of a rehash from last year, with the dates changed (obviously) so let's try once again to get this Tale started...ParticipantsGingeKenChrisRichFrom the mutterings about who is interested in collecting what, it seems we'll have two broadly aligned...

An Impending Tale, An Impending Dilemma

So a while back myself and some friends almost started a Tale of Four Gamers, but then life interfered, and we pushed it back a bit... we are planning to start afresh in September, so i'll finally continue that Tzeencth force I did a couple units of horrors for...And...