Deathwatch Second Outing

So this time I was up against... well, this...We were playing spearhead, in mission Retrieval.I finished setting up first, and was poised to take the first turn. My opponent decided to try to seize... "let me just find that weighted dice" he joked."Ah, but now you've...

Death Watch First Outing

I got my Deathwatch army out for a game today... man, to go from orks to these ultra elite guys, it may take some getting used to.I have no doubt people will pick holes in my army list... if I'm honest, I kinda got carried away dream-teaming and then clocked up the...

Refinery Planet: Damonius Strandius

ok, not sure on the name yet, but here is my wargaming table... all the scenery painted to a basic standard that I am happy to call done enough for now. I may revisit it later for further weathering, but I have other priorities right now, and it is sufficient for the...

Unda Konstrukshun

Of late I have been painting some scenery for my wargames table, and I saved the centrepiece till last... well, almost. A late purchase of servo-hauler that I am still waiting for adequate weather to undercoat will now technically be the finishing touch, but that...

The Revolution Increases Pace

Those tricksy little grots have been scrawling their revolutionary slogans all over the scenery I have been painting for my ork infested refinery world. Damn them.And to think, I undercoated their manticores and deathstrike missile launcher the other day... ungrateful...