One Eyelid Flickers…

Played a bloodbowl friendly on Tuesday, and after my opponents Rat Ogre "Bonesnapper" had pushed into the midst of my Black Orcs, one of my Boyz didn't like that and blitzed him... perhaps a tad too aggressively for a friendly. Rolled a 10 for the armour, so didn't...

So, Bubble Chukka Rules got leaked…

I have always liked the idea of the bubble chukka, I feel it went great with the random nature of orks, but the old rules were never satisfying. You rolled a D6 and it gave you the strength and AP of the weapon. So you wanted a low roll if you wanted to crack...

Project: Dangerzone – Complete

I feel the need... the need... for, well, sleep actually. Damn thunderstorms waking me up at 5 in the morning...But before I go to bed, I shall show off what I have accomplished over the past couple evenings. The last few flash gitz and kaptin badruk are now complete,...

Project: Dangerzone – Nearing Completion

I am extremely pleased to say that I have almost finished project: dangerzone, just 5 flash gitz and kaptin badruk to paint... I reckon I can do those in the one week I have left :)Here's a quick video showing my vehicles on their display board... keep the sound on...

Board Game Corner: Star Wars Empire vs Rebellion strategy card game

One of my club members picked this up with a Waterstones voucher or something, so I thought I'd give it a try and see if it's any good.This is a tactical card game where one side plays the rebels and the other (well duh) the Empire. You get a deck of cards each which...