Project Dangerzone: More progress on the Karrier

I think this bad boy is now structurally complete... this is a dry fit, need to take it and paint it, then glue the superstructure and jet in place, along with various crew members and a few deffkoptas, but overall am pleased with my handiwork :)

Friday Night Excitement

To be fair, I didn't get home from work till 11pm, so not like I'm missing much opportunity to socialise in favour of geekiness (got work tomorrow too) but managed to get a couple more hours put into the superstructure for my "karrier"

Flash Gitz, Flash.

So I finished the first five flashgitz yesterday, of a planned 20 and kaptin I have to do before the beginning of June... these models took me a lot longer than I had expected, despite my usual quick rush "it'll do" arms length painting attitude. I'd best crack on...

Whatever happened to those CATCH posts?

So I had a run of posts under the CATCH heading, about an ongoing Tale of Four Gamers style event, however I have gone quiet on this recently.Personally, it was because I had other models I had to paint for a deadline and I wasn't getting as much painting time in as...


Painted up a replacement apothecary for my badly painted old witch doctor style one from years ago... sadly didn't track down the bilbao ork as we shall call him, but found something else quite cool that I am happy with. He even has nurses...As you can see, in my last...