I’m Tired of Ork Armies…

So I have a side project, to give me a change of pace.An Ork Navy!Basically, I have a couple of small tournaments coming up in the summer. A doubles 800 point event and a doubles (random pairing) 750 point event. So I plan to take broadly the same theme force to...

CATCH 10: The Sky Warriors Return

Whilst observing Fred establishing his dominance (from a much safer distance it has to be said) the revelries were interrupted by a sonic boom, the unmistakeable sound of craft entering orbit. We are supposed to be the only imperial presence in the area, so at first...

Nothing Better To Do?

So something came to my attention today...http://www.peta.org.uk/media/news-releases/peta-asks-games-workshop-ban-fur-warhammer-characters/So I decided to write to GW. Below is the email I sent. If anyone else wishes to copy and send it, you are more than welcome to,...

Catch 9: Preparing Phase Two

So over the past week I've not done much in the way of painting, as Phase One of Catch is complete, however I have made preparations for Phase Two by making the models I plan to paint. Whilst I was in a converting mood though, I also converted the Battlewagon I plan...