Ye Orkshire Rippers: Behind the Scenes

So with our games club Bloodbowl league due to start in the next couple of weeks, I've written up my team. I wanted to put lots of smash factor in there, so I've left myself a bit thin in the reroll department, and I'm clearly a brand new team as I'm starting with 0...

Star Wars: Rebellion

Of late I have played a few games of Star Wars: Rebellion, and it seems with every replay I love this game more and more.For a rundown of how the game works, I prefer to leave that to the professionals (kinda) as they can cover it far better than I. However I will say...

CATCH 6: A Productive Couple Days

With CATCH underway I set to the task, managing to get my entire first phase undercoated in that brief spell of pleasant weather we had on Tuesday. And I set to the units with a paintbrush today...I have about a third of the squad of commandos done... Snikrot and...

CATCH 5: Feral Ork Mimicry

Greetings once again dear audience, as we take another look at our burgeoning ork society.To get each of our orks to develop some resilience away from human contact, we dropped them from low orbit with a rudimentary anti-gravitic atmospheric retardation system, or...