Fluffageddon: The List

So I've finally fine-tuned my list for Fluffageddon... let me rephrase that, I've taken the list I did last time that I realised had broken several rules in the list comp pack, and made a legal version...Here it is.Single CAD force, single codex, with as many guns as...

Deffskulls: Progress

So over the past couple weeks I've got a few units done, I'm aiming to get a 1500 point specific army done before the middle of a November for a tournament.So we have another squad of Tankbustas... didn't need a full second squad, only a few to top up the first squad,...

Let’s see if I can get a tune stuck in your head…

I was at a wedding at the weekend and the place settings were little scrabble racks with our name letters correctly arranged on each (that must have been a bitch for the waiting staff to sort out - how many times have you had that game where you're just waiting and...