I would have liked to have seen Montana…

So tonight at Geek Club we had a bit of a boardgame session, the main event being the fantastic game Captain Sonar, reviewed excellently hereIn fact, it was watching that review that made me immediately buy the game, and having now played it, I do not regret that...

What. A. Kit.

I picked up a Corvus Blackstar, as I thought it looked an awesome model. It has good rules too. Well it has a build quality that matches, nay exceeds it's looks and gameplay.If you TRIED to mess this kit up, you would struggle, which may not speak well for converting...

Small Additional Project, a side project if you will…

So yeah, after that big list last week of all the things I'm working on (a list that was shortened considerably when I boxed up my Empire and Tomb Kings and sold my Dark Elves I might add) and saying how I really should get some done before I buy more OOOOH SHINY...

That Dreaded Hobby List…

To break up the writing of this post I stole some images off google after typing "to do list funny" as the alternative, of actually taking pictures of the reams of stuff I still have to do, was far too depressing.So, firstly, the practical...I have the grot revolution...

Charity Fundraiser: Win a Knight!

Late last year/early this year we ran a charity fundraiser for a club member who had some tragic times at home, the top prize being a pro-painted knight. The guy who did the paintjob for the lucky winner is now doing an appeal of his own, so let's keep this good karma...