Deffskulls: Another Battering by the Mechanicum

On Saturday night I had an unexpected opportunity for a game of 40k, a lrage game, 3k, which I could just about manage with the deffskulls stuff I have. Took almost everything. Up against 3k of mechanicum. That hurt...I mean, it started well enough... I had lots of...

Deffskulls: There are too many of them!

So, I'm musing on what to take to a 1500 point almost highlander style tournament in November... I am planning to take the Deffskulls, which means we need guns... lots of guns... I have also built a display board that would be fun to take, and the Gorkanaut as...

Deffskulls: Raid

My tribe have fallen upon an undefended imperial world of miniscule military value this week... in essence, odd number of people at the club, so I volunteered to sit out and get some cool pics of the ongoing action. Took a few action shots of my unopposed models just...

Deffskulls: Gorkanaut… kinda…

And here it is, treading through the mud, my looted Gorkanaut.Oh how I wish these things had better rules... maybe in the next Ork codex they'll give them the super heavy rule and this conversion will make more sense.As it is at the moment, it covers all the bases. A...