Unexpected Consequences

The law of unintended consequences came to fruition today, here in the New Revolutionary States, as the revolutionary leaders aim to truly drain the swamp did not take into account the drastic drop in the average human IQ over the past half century. Full of verve and...

It Begins…

Deep in the mists of time, in a period long forgotten by imperial records, and remembered only by the emperor himself, a revolution quietly brews. There are utterances of dissent, but not too many, for those who speak loudly of their distrust in their betters soon...

It’s For Your Own Good! A History of the Imperial Commissariat

Unless you live under a rock (or, perhaps, don't play 40k... but if the latter why the hell are you reading this blog anyway?) you will know that Commissars have been much discussed of late. Having been recently nerfed, there is a debate raging about whether things...

It’s close to miiiiiiiidddnight…

So a couple of months ago I mentioned a Halloween scenario and, by complete co-incidence, last night I ran it...Now this was originally from 4th or possibly 5th edition, so I had to do a fair amount of work to bring it up to date, and I didn't have time to playtest,...