Unboxing Warzone Resurrection – Brotherhood

Unboxing Warzone Resurrection – Brotherhood

With six (soon to be seven) awesome factions that each has their own unique character it's difficult to decide which Mutant Chronicles Warzone Resurrection force is the one for you.I'm therefore going to do an unboxing (technically an 'unbagging' until they get...
Council of Seven Information Services (C.o.S.I.S.) – I

Council of Seven Information Services (C.o.S.I.S.) – I

ACCESS GRANTEDIIron Ancestor - Forge Father Giant, Irsala - Sephalin MVP. KEY - Deadzone, Dreadball, Dreadball Xtreme.Irsala, Sephalin MVP.Although the Sphyr were the predominant sentient race on their home planet, they were far from the only...
Mantic Newsletter – The Second Half…‏

Mantic Newsletter – The Second Half…‏

Looks like the guys at Mantic Games really want those extra teams to appear......and it is time to go on a Frenzy!DreadBall is all about teams - and we want to get lots of interesting ones for you to pick from during this campaign! Traditionally we use stretch...
Forge World Newsletter #390

Forge World Newsletter #390

It's just a big advert for their Horus Heresy Weekender really...Forge World are delighted to announce that tickets for the Horus Heresy Weekender 2014 are now on sale, priced at £70 per ticket. This event will be held at the Nottingham Belfry Hotel on Saturday...
Council of Seven Information Services (C.o.S.I.S.) – U

Council of Seven Information Services (C.o.S.I.S.) – U

ACCESS GRANTEDUThe Unincorporated - Rebs Team.KEY - Deadzone, Dreadball, Dreadball Xtreme.The Unincorporated - Rebs Team.Rebs Sorak's are just one of the multitude of races that makes up the Rebs 'The Unincorporated' Team.When most people think of the Rebellion, they...