C.o.S.I.S. – A Project Completed – Sort Of…..

C.o.S.I.S. – A Project Completed – Sort Of…..

Firstly I should probably apologise for the spam of C.o.S.I.S. posts over the last week. Though the same in format they were (at least) different in content...Same format...different content...Unfortunately Blogger has some limitations which made this the only way...
Council of Seven Information Services (C.o.S.I.S.) – Z

Council of Seven Information Services (C.o.S.I.S.) – Z

ACCESS GRANTEDZZarathusa Kain, Zees, Zee Buccaneer, Z'zor.KEY - Deadzone, Dreadball, Dreadball Xtreme.Zarathusa Kain, Dr - Scientist Sponsor.Project Kovoss was not an overnight success. The overall aim of the project was to fully understand the Plague...
Council of Seven Information Services (C.o.S.I.S.) – Y

Council of Seven Information Services (C.o.S.I.S.) – Y

ACCESS GRANTEDYYndij, Yndij Reaver, Yurik 'Painmaster' Yurikson.KEY - Deadzone, Dreadball, Dreadball Xtreme.Yndij.When the first elements of Mining Fleet 411 landed on Azure IX they came across the Yndij, a race of hunters living in the planet’s great...
Council of Seven Information Services (C.o.S.I.S.) – W

Council of Seven Information Services (C.o.S.I.S.) – W

ACCESS GRANTEDWWrath - Judwan Assassin, Wyn Greth’ski MVP.KEY - Deadzone, Dreadball.Wrath, Judwan Assassin.Throughout their long and noble history, there has never been a Judwan warrior or a Judwan murderer, and certainly nothing like the psychotic assassin known...
Council of Seven Information Services (C.o.S.I.S.) – V

Council of Seven Information Services (C.o.S.I.S.) – V

ACCESS GRANTEDVVeer-myn Dreadball Team, Vlorox Spinpede.KEY - Deadzone, Dreadball, Dreadball Xtreme.Veer-myn Dreadball Team.Veer-myn teams have a haphazard style of play that keeps their fans on the edge of their seats, but usually costs a few players...