Council of Seven Information Services (C.o.S.I.S.) – T

Council of Seven Information Services (C.o.S.I.S.) – T

ACCESS GRANTEDTTargeters, Teraton, Teraton Dreadball Team.KEY - Deadzone, Dreadball.Targeters.Depending on the manufacturer, a targeter can use one of a variety of target designation and marking methods. Some use a laser, phased ion stream, microwave or...
Council of Seven Information Services (C.o.S.I.S.) – S

Council of Seven Information Services (C.o.S.I.S.) – S

ACCESS GRANTEDSSentry Guns, Sergeant Howlett, Shensig Interplanetary, Slippery Joe MVP, Smoke Grenades, Sorak, Sphyr Team, Stealth Cloak, Strider : Corporation/Plague, The Survivor.KEY - Deadzone, Dreadball, Dreadball Xtreme.Sentry...
Mantic Games Newsletter – Things are Getting Xtreme…

Mantic Games Newsletter – Things are Getting Xtreme…

I was going to have a break from Kickstarters...then this happened...Lead your team on the bloodstained pitches of the galaxy’s greatest sport!Dreadball Xtreme is a new standalone sports board game taking the glitz of DreadBall to the underground, where illicit...
Council of Seven Information Services (C.o.S.I.S.) – R

Council of Seven Information Services (C.o.S.I.S.) – R

ACCESS GRANTEDRThe Rebs, Rebs Commander, Rebs Grogan with Heavy Weapon, Rebs Kraaw, Rebs Yndij, Rebs Zee Scavengers, Recon Unit N32-19, Reek 'Payback' Rolat MVP, Rico Van Dien MVP, Rilla -Zee MVP, Robot Dreadball Team, Ruined BattleZone.KEY -...
Council of Seven Information Services (C.o.S.I.S.) – Q

Council of Seven Information Services (C.o.S.I.S.) – Q

ACCESS GRANTEDQQuadrant Alpha MegaStadium, Quadrant Zero Stadium.KEY - Deadzone, Dreadball.Quadrant Alpha MegaStadium.Everyone in the GCPS wants a piece of the action when it comes to DreadBall Ultimate, even those unfortunates stuck out in the further reaches of...