Mutant Chronicles 3rd Ed. RPG – Kickstarter

For fans of the Mutant Chronicles universe this will be a brilliant source of material and if you happen to be an RPG fan as well then it's got to be worth it.To get to the actual Kickstarter page then click here.The promo video can be found below. It's already...
Forge World Blog #2

Forge World Blog #2

These aren't exactly filled with information but I guess people are interested on the link and decide for yourself...Chris once more dives into the Forge World studio for the second of our weekly Blogs.
Plague for Warpath – Part 6

Plague for Warpath – Part 6

This may be the longest narrative justification for a hobby idea that I've ever written. But demon worshipping cults in the warpath universe need to be explained somehow. I should also apologise for the terrible dialogue and over-use of tropes....but I'm not going...
‘New’ White Dwarf – Official Announcement

‘New’ White Dwarf – Official Announcement

Well the thing that every-one already knew was happening is now officially sure to feign surprise...we don't want to hurt their feelings after all...The Games Workshop Newsletter25.01.2014In this issue: Two new magazines from the White...
Guest Article – Warmachine on a Budget : Cygnar

Guest Article – Warmachine on a Budget : Cygnar

This is kind of a cheat of a guest article as your going to have to look at the guys own blog to see it, lol.I'll let him introduce himself first...and then there will be a link. His blog is called Brick Faces' Talking Wall...for reasons that are unlikely to...