Forge World Newsletter #382

Forge World Newsletter #382

The models are the standard we would expect from any Forge World Marine variant but the paint job on the model in the newsletter does nothing for them at all. Look at the proper model pictures before making a decision... For some amongst the World Eaters Legion,...
Guest Article – Warzone Resurrection Model Review

Guest Article – Warzone Resurrection Model Review

Gareth Roach, A local hobbyist and former Games Workshop employee who has worked on their Fanatic Magazine amongst other thingss (though we wont hold that against him) has recently been looking at the models for Mutant Chronicles Warzone Resurrection and as a massive...
The Hive Fleet has Arrived…

The Hive Fleet has Arrived…

The guys at my FLGS Titan Games have got up early and assembled some of the new Tyranid kits...The codex itself is also a surprisingly well written and balanced one...maybe things are looking up......a couple of the kits have actually got cheaper as you're...
Mantic Newsletter – We’re in the Jungle Baby.

Mantic Newsletter – We’re in the Jungle Baby.

Some Dreadball news...Welcome to the Jungle!A New Way To PlayThe Galactic Tour Series: Azure Forest is a new supplement for the Galaxy’s Greatest Sport, taking your DreadBall games to a new exotic world where the local weather, wildlife and crowd impacts on...