Mantic Games Newsletter – Welcome to 2014

Mantic Games Newsletter – Welcome to 2014

Happy New Year! We hope everyone has had a great Christmas and a fun New Year!Did you get a copy of Deadzone for Christmas? Let us know on our Facebook page.We’re just getting back into the swing of things here - we’ve got some catching up to do on...
Unboxing Malifaux – Ramos’s ‘The M&SU’.

Unboxing Malifaux – Ramos’s ‘The M&SU’.

The 'Union' is recruiting again...The 'M&SU' box contains enough parts for six to ten miniatures (depending on how you configure the Steam Arachnids)...namely Ramos, his Brass Arachnid Totem (4SS), Joss (10SS),  Howard Langston (12SS) and six Steam Arachnids...
Happy New Year

Happy New Year

HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE.From the blog that's so amazing that it even makes Kristen Stewart smile......possibly...Thanks for all your support over the last year. Hopefully I can keep you entertained during 2014 as well.
Gallery – Steve’s Circle of Orboros

Gallery – Steve’s Circle of Orboros

Steve is one of our local Privateer Press 'Press-gangers' and here is his Hordes Circle of Orboros army. He has a well known psychological aversion to painting things in the colour that every-one expects them to be...he's restrained himself a bit with these but expect...
A Day of Malifaux…

A Day of Malifaux…

I needed a bit of a break from mass production of armies so I decided to grab some Malifaux as that usually relaxes me and re-invigorates my desire to do hobby......before today I would have said always relaxes of the things in the above pile...