Tyranids, Malifaux and Mutant Chronicles…

Tyranids, Malifaux and Mutant Chronicles…

Seems like a time for shiny new things to appear...well it is Christmas* I suppose...* If you don't celebrate Christmas then just make up a reason...In this multicultural society in which we live I'm sure we all in the miniature wargaming community are united in our...
New M2E Artwork – Kirai and Lucius (Updated)

New M2E Artwork – Kirai and Lucius (Updated)

I'll just pop these up for you to drool over.....I suppose I should add a link to the latest version of the Wave 2 Beta test files as well...so here it is...Kirai......and Lucius...Thoughts and comments are (as usual) most welcome.
Forge World Newsletter #377

Forge World Newsletter #377

I'm a fan of the Iron Hands though with the exception of the Legion symbol these would make pretty good Iron Warriors as well...just don't tell them I said that...For those Iron Hands who have been found wanting in the eyes of their Primarch, there remains a...
Deadzone Progress…of Sorts…

Deadzone Progress…of Sorts…

Hit a motivation failure today...I think nearly a year of night shifts has finally caught up on me...but I still managed to make some minor progress...I wanted another first generation plague but didn't want two with identical poses so I converted one.If you look...
Toughest Girls of the Galaxy – Latest Pictures

Toughest Girls of the Galaxy – Latest Pictures

If you want to read all the progress information the full update can be found here.If it's just the pictures you want then they're below...and there's a lot of them so be warned if your PC is a bit slow...they're worth the wait though...Soulweavers.Apparently they're...