Sunday – A Blog Round-Up

Sunday – A Blog Round-Up

I didn't do one of these last week as I was 'busy' looking at the Dreadball Xtreme Kickstarters last few hours instead. This is fortunate as I can now talk about the last two weeks worth of blog content which should neatly cover up the fact that I haven't done a fat...
Forge World Newsletter #394

Forge World Newsletter #394

The 'Iron Father' is very nice but I'm not sure those Night Lords accessories are distinctive enough to make me want a set...Of all the Space Marine Legions, the Iron Hands maintained perhaps the closest ties with the Mechanicum prior to the Horus Heresy, a bond that...
Mantic Newsletter – Hellfire and Stone

Mantic Newsletter – Hellfire and Stone

I was worried for a moment that this was another Kickstarter, lol.Hellfire and Stone Storm clouds gather over the jagged peaks of the Halpi Mountains in north-eastern Mantica. The gods foretell that two ancient enemies will clash in this desolate, highland region...
Crew a Week Challenge – The Return

Crew a Week Challenge – The Return

I talked about restarting the 'Crew a Week Challenge' some time ago as the pile of un-built, unpainted or just plain abandoned piles of Malifaux scattered around my house was beginning to border on the ridiculous...and that was before three months of new plastic...
Forge World Newsletter #393

Forge World Newsletter #393

Well that's just made a great many people very happy indeed...To be fair £60 isn't a bad price for such a detailed model either...and you don't hear me say that very often about Forge World models, lol.Horus Lupercal, Primarch of the Luna Wolves Legion, was the...