Forge World Newsletter #376

Forge World Newsletter #376

So the next Primarch is Lorgar Aurelian.I was hoping for a dynamic pose of him swinging his mace or in full on 'arms outstretched preaching to the masses' pose. Instead I have 'standing casually looking at stuff'.It's still beautifully detailed. I was just hoping for...
Mantic Newsletter – Predator and Prey

Mantic Newsletter – Predator and Prey

The pictures I posted of Titan Games's Deadzone table have made their way into the newsletter...Predator and Prey! The Enforcer span, raising his pistol and snapping off two shots at impossible speed, but sure enough they were deflected by the bony plates...
The Future for GMorts Chaotica…

The Future for GMorts Chaotica…

When I started this blog it was simply a place for me to post pictures of things I was doing, army lists I was working on or a place for me to put those vastly overcomplicated and only marginally useful 'Mathshammer' things I used to think were a good idea....I had no...
Judge Dredd the Miniatures Game

Judge Dredd the Miniatures Game

After having a demo of this at the Mantic open day I must admit I was pleasantly surprised.To be honest I was pretty much expecting the system to be terrible and I'd heard bad things about the models so it was nice to see that the models were actually more detailed...
The Locals…

The Locals…

Sometimes you just see a set of miniatures and want them instantly...not sure how I'd make them into a Deadzone force but they'd make a pretty good Malifaux crew...The website for these can be found I just need to see if my FLGS Titan Games can get them...