Awesome Deadzone Table – Updated

Awesome Deadzone Table – Updated

My FLGS Titan Games has turned a pile of parts into a massive Deadzone table in around about a day.Pictures with some models on so you can see the scale of the thing.....and without...just because I have them....Looking forward to having a game on this terrain on...
Forge World Newsletter #375

Forge World Newsletter #375

Though the Imperial Armour books are incredibly detailed pieces of source material, I must admit that I resent buying something I've already got just for some rules tweaks...a free pdf here and there might do something towards changing my opinion of Games Workshop...
Mantic Open Day

Mantic Open Day

Mantic Games had an open day today in Nottingham. This was split between a slightly creepy abandoned medical centre (which is apparently going to be their new HQ at some point in the near future) and their current headquarters.The 'Hospital' hosted the tournaments...
Aliens Vs Predator – Final Lot of Predator Detail Pics…

Aliens Vs Predator – Final Lot of Predator Detail Pics…

Well this funded spectacularly well and I'm sure will raise even more when the surveys are sent out as we all know you always end up adding stuff in at that point...or is that just me...I thought Titan Games's Predator pictures covered the detail but I had a couple of...