Aliens Vs Predator – Some Aliens…

Aliens Vs Predator – Some Aliens…

Those sneaky gentlemen at Titan Games have managed to capture some Aliens unfortunately they seem to have got loose...and where the hell did those eggs come from...that's worrying...Here's some different views...I just thought you'd like a look. The Kickstarter page...
An Interview With Prodos Games.

An Interview With Prodos Games.

While making a visit to my FLGS store I managed to ambush an unsuspecting Rob Alderman and Mark Rapson with a couple of questions about Mutant Chronicles Warzone Resurrection...We made them tea so it wasn't exactly forced imprisonment...This wasn't actually the person...
Hasslefree Miniatures – Newsletters

Hasslefree Miniatures – Newsletters

As is usual at Christmas time Hasslefree Miniatures are offering a discount on purchases and a goody bag should that purchase break the £50 mark which is nice if you were planning on a purchase anyway or if you want to buy an entertaining blogger some kind of festive...
Aliens Vs Predator Kickstarter – Lets ROCK!!!!!

Aliens Vs Predator Kickstarter – Lets ROCK!!!!!

With new stretch goals unlocking at a steady rate and lots of new pictures being these for example...Rulebook pictures,Aliens, Colonial Marinesand PredatorsAs well as a steady addition of freebies this has rapidly become an amazing deal and lets be...
AvP – A Preview – Part 3 – Predators

AvP – A Preview – Part 3 – Predators

These are the things that have sold me on this Kickstarter...the Predators... Something bad usually happens after a Predator does this... In no particular order... This is the one I'll be needing three of though... Thoughts and comments are (as usual) most...