Warzone Resurrection – A Battle Report

Warzone Resurrection – A Battle Report

My first full game of Mutant Chronicles was less than successful due to a combination of a somewhat unfocused list (I wanted to use a bit of everything), poor rules knowledge and the fact that apparently my dice hate me... ...this time would be different...I hoped......
Aliens vs Predator – Kickstarter

Aliens vs Predator – Kickstarter

Believe it or not I was a bit neutral about this one when I first saw it...I think it's possible that the amount of free stuff that's been hurled at me by other Kickstarters gave me a somewhat unrealistic view of what you should get in a kit. Of course many of those...
Privateer Press Newsletter

Privateer Press Newsletter

I'm not seeing any Bane Cavalry in there......I am seeing lots of things that are going to be killing my Banes though...  Protectorate Idrian Skirmishers (10) Releasing Now!Masters of the unpredictable and lethal terrain of the Bloodstone Marches, most...
Toughest Girls of the Galaxy – New Pictures

Toughest Girls of the Galaxy – New Pictures

There's been a new update with lots of information that can be found here...but if you just want to look at the pretty pictures.....The Lulu's...Various 'Girls'...There's also some new concept artwork...Cyber Zombies...I'll be having at least two boxes of these...
Dark Legion – Undead Horde?

Dark Legion – Undead Horde?

Just playing around with list ideas at the moment...If I'm going to do any kind of undead horde then I'll most likely use Golgotha as my Warlord due to her useful 12" range buffs of +1 Armour and +1 Movement and I probably need a big scary fire magnet but for the same...