Forge World Newsletter #371

Forge World Newsletter #371

Well this sounded like a good deal...till I read all the conditions below it...still it might be helpful for some of you...How it works:All orders placed with Forge World between 00:01 (GMT) 11th November 2013 and 23:59 (GMT) 20th December 2013 will receive a free...
Forge World Newsletter #370

Forge World Newsletter #370

This may be my favourite Primarch model so far despite the fact that I was unsure about the Servo Arm when I first saw it. If I was going to buy anything it would be the Iron hands model further down the page...The Primarch of the Iron Hands Legion, Ferrus...
M2E Rasputina Painting Guide – Part 1 – The Icy Bits

M2E Rasputina Painting Guide – Part 1 – The Icy Bits

I had several requests about the colours and techniques used on my better halves Rasputina crew so I got her to list them for me in some kind of logical order.1) First they were base coated black and then given a lighter base coat of white which left some of the black...
Mantic Games ‘Mars Attacks’ Newsletter

Mantic Games ‘Mars Attacks’ Newsletter

Only a few hours left...Sorry for the email but after Friday night’s amazing response to the Mars Attacks Kickstarter, we just didn't want you to miss out on all of this…… there are less than 4 hours to go on the Mars Attacks - The Miniatures Game...
M2E for Beginners – Shooting Into Melee

M2E for Beginners – Shooting Into Melee

Many of the Version 1.5 mechanics have changed slightly in Malifaux 2nd Edition which can cause some confusion when your used to the old version. Rather helpfully though, the M2E version is usually simpler.For reference purposes the 1.5 tutorial can be found here...