1000th Post Competition Winner

1000th Post Competition Winner

The winner of the Malifaux crew is the interestingly named mind_control_dude who wanted the Viktorias M2E crew...which means he/she/they will have to wait till it's actually released for me to order it for them...so they'll have to be patient, lol....
Forge World Newsletter #369

Forge World Newsletter #369

I'm a big fan of things with lots of guns but unfortunately this has arrived at the point for me where Warhammer 40K has only marginal appeal and I'm not a fan of the new version of the Apocalypse rules either... I can still appreciate it as an incredible model...
Mutant Chronicles Warzone Resurrection – Dark Legion

Mutant Chronicles Warzone Resurrection – Dark Legion

After a brief demo at Titan Games of Mutant Chronicles courtesy of two of the guys from Prodos Games I decided to jump straight in and get a 'Dark Legion' Starter Set...and a few other bits and pieces...okay...more than a few... I'll do a proper review once I get the...