Hasslefree Miniatures – Newsletter

Hasslefree Miniatures – Newsletter

As my supplier of half (and completely) naked models (of the miniature war-gaming variety that is) for quite some time it's nice to see a family business going from strength to strength.....which reminds me that I really need to paint that Scooby Gang inspired set of...
Forge World Newsletter #367

Forge World Newsletter #367

Continuing an old formula of taking something they already make and putting slightly different weapons on it... A development of the Riptide battlesuit, the Tau XV107 R’varna battlesuitsacrifices mobility for heavier armour and increased firepower in the form of...
1000th Post Competition

1000th Post Competition

When I started this blog for the sole purpose of showing some-one a picture of my 40K Daemon army I had no idea that I'd still be posting things all this time later... With nearly nine hundred posts on my own blog, ninety Articles on House of Paincakes as a regular...
Unboxing Malifaux – Miss Step, Steamborg Executioner

Unboxing Malifaux – Miss Step, Steamborg Executioner

Every year Wyrd Miniatures have a limited edition model that's given free with any order over $100 at Gen Con or alternatively when you make a purchase via their website store over the same period. They're always called 'Miss' something. We've had a Miss Pack, Miss...