Mars Attacks Newsletter

Mars Attacks Newsletter

They made me do it.....damn them and their cool products..... Mars Attacks: The Miniatures Game is now live on Kickstarter – follow this link to pledge now!  Field General Tor - leader of the Martian Invasion Force at Greenville Mars Attacks: The...
Mantic Games Newsletter – Mars Attacks Kickstarter

Mantic Games Newsletter – Mars Attacks Kickstarter

Just shut up and take my money..... So why would Mantic do Mars Attacks? Are you kidding me, why wouldn’t we! It has Martians invading the Earth, and all the forces of humanity fighting for their survival against overwhelming odds! What could be a better backdrop for...
Forge World Newsletter #366

Forge World Newsletter #366

Love the Lightning Claws on Kor Phaeron...the Horus Heresy book looks cool as well... Word of Horus’ treachery has escaped Isstvan III and now the Legions loyal to the Emperor mobilise to make Horus, and those who follow him, account for their crimes. However, the...
‘Masters of Malifaux’ Campaign at Titan Games

‘Masters of Malifaux’ Campaign at Titan Games

A Family Feud... Misaki's spies had already informed her that the Oyabun was in poor spirits and so she had no doubts that the clan leader was about to denigrate her in some way during their meeting and was unfortunately correct... "Your progress is unsatisfactory" he...