Tzaangor reloaded

After some days I wasn’t so very happy with the first Tzaangor’s paintjob anymore. So I dropped the whole Silver Tower stuff and continued on other projects. A few days ago I came up with another idea for an alternate colour scheme and tested it...

Hail Bretonnia

Ah, the joy of starting a new project! I’m back to starting another Kill Team right after the other just that I switched over to Warhammer now. The Dwarf Team is ready and I have something else to work on. I am of course ignoring the fact that I already started...

Conquer the skies

Now that my Dwarven Regiment of Renown is waiting for its first match I am already looking forward to the next step. That’ll be a 500 points Dwarven Warhammer Army. We have a home-brewed heavily modified rule setting for the Aleatores on the oven for this but...

The tiny Throng

Today is the day and I am happy to announce that the small project I started back in July 2015 is now finished. The Old World’s most tiny Throng is ready now for its first adventures. Actually I am talking about my 100 points strong dwarven force for the...

Drenn Redblade

I am pretty sure you’ve all seen the marvelous board tiles my club mate Rekrom came up with recently for the new Deathwatch Overkill game. I am more than hot to test them with my own Space Marine. That’ll be just like Warhammer Quest where each club member...