by Goatmoerser | Feb 27, 2016
Regarding my Sons of Horus I am right now busy with my Reaver Attack Squad yet I am still keeping an eye on the Betrayal at Calth missions I would like to play as soon as possible. While Heavy Bolters tend to be not so exciting in regular matches (especially when...
by Goatmoerser | Feb 9, 2016
The Terminator Sergeant Raban Sarr of the 31st company of the Sons of Horus and a comrade in arms got finished and are ready now for the upcoming Betrayal at Calth / Isstvan III matches. At least this is what I thought until I saw the pictures of the recent Horus...
by Goatmoerser | Jan 30, 2016
The Catulan Reaver Squad is growing and only three Marines are missing until I have 300 points completed. At first I was relying on the resin MK IV jump packs from Forge World. Fortunately I got the advise from my club mate Elrond that I could go with the plastic MK...
by Goatmoerser | Jan 25, 2016
After the recent tournament my plans regarding my LotR/Hobbit projects changed quite a bit. I definitely need an own board to practice for the next tournament that I’m going to visit. That’ll most likely be the german championship (with 100 participants)...
by Goatmoerser | Jan 19, 2016
As I had proclaimed here I was about to visit an open tournament organised by the german Hobbit Tabletop Liga. The tournament’s intention was to bring new players to the scene, therefore it was addressed towards 24 rookies exclusively. I am a long time tabletop...