
The End Times are over, the world as we know it is no more and the gates of the realm Ghur are opening to unleash…haha, sorry. Just kidding. Everything here is still like it used to be. The new Troll I’d like to present today is in fact still living in the...

In Memoriam

Saruman was not planed for my yet small Uruk-Hai strike force in the near future. The passing of Sir Christopher Lee made me change my plans and I had to paint Saruman as a tribute to one of the greatest actors ever. Saruman the White A great sculpt of the actor...

Enslavers Kill Team

The idea for a new and pretty anomalous Kill Team popped up not so long ago. Therefore I had to hurry a bit to get all the miniatures ready for our Aleator Kill Team Event. Fortunately the last Enslaver got finished yesterday and I am ready to head to...

Drooling Slaves

The enslaved Guardsmen form a classic ten soldiers strong unit. As they are going as Termagants, it was not so very easy to bring a bit variation to the table. But one does indeed need special weapons and a leader for a typical Guardsmen squad thus I had to come up...

Additional Brainpower

Initially I had no idea how I could set the leader of the Enslaver Kill Team of the other xenos-walnut-creatures. I digged through every bits box I have, especially watching out for Tyranid stuff but with no success. Finally I gave up and just sculpted an additional...