Count as WHAT?!

Before the topic gets me started, please keep in mind that the whole “count as issue” is a really subjective matter. The single most important factor is that you and your opponent is cool with what you’re doing and what not. Don’t let someone...


I am certainly not a great scratch builder like my club mate Rekrom. Have you seen his Dimachaeron yet? But one has to start somewhere, no? And this here is my start, my first scratch built miniature for the hobby. Of course it is possibly the most easy to start with,...


A new Aleator Kill Team event will be soon upon us. Somehow I couldn’t focus on the Adeptus Mechanicus as planned. I needed something fresh and new to work on. Thus I came up with an idea really offbeat. I think I never had something as weird like this in mind...

Davinite marks

Ever since I started my Sons of Horus project I thought that the theme of the army’s bases was quite important. It was supposed to be somehow neutral, yet evoking a desolated feeling. They should blend in a ruined imperial city just like in a wasteland. Also the...

Maintaining a bigger position

I bet you all noticed both Games Workshop and Forge World thought that it would be a good idea to put Space Marines on 32 mm instead of the old 28 mm bases. Well as I’ve said before I had to agree that this really looks better (to me) as they just look more...