
Heroes are an integral part of the Lord of the Rings game. Thus I am glad to present the Captain of the Uruk-Hai today. He’s an ambitious Uruk from the pits of Isengard, eager to prove himself in battle. He will lead my 200 Points “Fallen Realms”...

You will taste man-flesh!

You do not know pain, you do not know fear. You will taste man-flesh. – Saruman (The Two Towers)   The first test battles with 100 Points are over and my little Uruk-Hai project log is now even more dear to me then before. I am certainly going to continue,...

Iron fist of the Orc

What can Men do against such reckless hate? - Theoden (The Two Towers) Well I hope they can’t do much against it. As announced in an earlier post my mini project for the Uruk-Hai is finished now. The first painted miniatures of 2015 were the last ones necessary...

The Westfold

The Westfold was the western part of Rohan, close to the White Mountains and lying between the river Isen and the Folde. The North-South Road ran through the Westfold from the Fords of Isen to Edoras. Its strongpoint was Helm’s Deep. - J.R.R. Tolkien,...

Bitter Pride

Who doesn’t remember the spectacular duel(s) between Loken and Lucius in the Horus Heresy novels? Or maybe the partner duels of Argel Tal and Kharn against two Champions of other Legions? It should be pretty obvious that the Space Marines are eager to prove...