Captain of Minas Tirith

My tiny Gondor project was still lacking a hero. I thought it would be a cool idea to have the leader of my patrol from Minas Tirith sitting on a horse. Unfortunately the only mounted models I like such as Boromir f.e. were all way to expansive for such a small...

Reserve Bench

The Barak Varr Bowlers had their first match in my local Games Workshop’s Blood Bowl league. The pleasant surprise was that they won 1:0 during the second half against the Norsca Vikings (a Norse team – duh). I had a great time and would like to thank the...

The Head Coach

When I first read the new Head Coach rules on page 38 of “Blood Bowl Death Zone Season 1” there was no doubt that my Dwarf Team the Barak Varr Bowlers were in need of a new model. “If you have a suitable miniature representing your Head Coach, you...

Back to Gondor

Alas! Over a year has passed since I started working on some folks from Gondor for the first time. How comes that I found the motivation to get back on this project you might ask? Well I stumbled upon this neat idea from the Hobbit Tabletop Liga (the german answer to...


My Fellowship of the Ring projet is not forgotten! The Lord of the Rings or better said the Hobbit is everything but dead here aswell. And I would really love to finish this project in 2017. The Ranger Strider, ready to lead the Hobbits to Rivendell. Also known as...