by Gormag Bowles | Jul 3, 2013
Hi boys and girls, well it was a long Saturday at the doubles Warmahordes tournament. I would firstly like to say how smoothly the day went, I have been to a lot of tournaments over the years, and this was my first Warmachine event, but it will not be my last.The...
by Gormag Bowles | Jun 1, 2013
It's been a while, but finally I have found the time to add to Martoks excellent work.There is a Warmachine & Hordes tournament coming up at the end of June, the perfect motivation to get my 35 point force painted and ready to destroy all before it in the name of...
by Gormag Bowles | Jan 19, 2013
Well its taken some time (sorry Martok) but at last the World Eaters have had their photo shoot done!!The Pre-heresy Land Raider and it's cargoThe Raider on its own, FW I love and hate you in equal measure for this tankMy "Headhunter" terminator squad that...
by Gormag Bowles | Dec 26, 2012
Finally I am getting some of my army pics onto this blog, here is the Legion. The armyThargroshWarmongerWarspearsCarniveanAngelus Shredder and Stinger Teraph Deathstalker (I use Lilith, I will have the correct model finished...
by Gormag Bowles | Dec 24, 2012
Greetings again galaxy, at this silly time of the morning on Christmas eve (it's 4:50 am, by the corpse Emperor that arrived fast, where did December go?) I though, what else is there to do but think of my most hated army and see what the world thinks of it.This is a...