A quick break: Space Sharks

This week, I've mostly been priming and building Eldar. But I took a few hours to make some more progress on another project I'm working on for a client, and then had a bout of insomnia, and then ended up making a lot more progress on the unit than I originally...

Some more Eldar…

Last couple of weeks have involved a lot of painting, but not so much photographing, so apologies that the blog has a been a little quiet. It always seems that the 15 or so minutes it takes to set up the photo booth is better spent cracking on with the next...

More Eldar Wave Serpents…

The Eldar project marches, or perhaps hovers, onwards. Two more Wave Serpents finished this week.The weather in the UK is uncharacteristically nice, and so I thought I would take these pictures in natural light. Whilst it beats spending twenty minutes setting up the...

Eldar: Another Wave Serpent

Another Wave Serpent this week, for the Eldar commission I'm working on.This was painted in the same pattern as the previous Wave Serpent, but I rearranged some of the colours after discussion with my client. We both felt that there was too much blue on the outer...

Prodos Games: AvP Alien Infants

So, my pledge for Prodos Games Alien v Predator: The Hunt Begins recently arrived. Despite all the delay, breaking open the package? It was worth it. The models are cast in resin, and show incredible detail. As soon as I had them in hand, I knew that I wanted to paint...