Eldar Dire Avengers & Farseer

Today's post has taken most of this week to put together, but pleased to say I've finished the first squad of Dire Avengers as well as a Farseer model.I'll warn you in advance: there are lots of pictures this week!I've put together and painted many Eldar miniatures...

Iron Hands: Devastator Squad

Not much painting this week - I'm currently waiting on an order of boxed sets for the Eldar project I'm working on - but I managed to finish a handful of Marines for a Devastator Squad...I built these from the Betrayal at Calth boxed set: reasoning that, although the...

Update: Eldar Wave Serpent

Today I managed to finish some amendments to the Eldar Wave Serpent I recently painted.As with most commission pieces, my client reviewed the images and requested a couple of changes. I'm always willing to work with a client like this, and ensure that we end up with a...

A detour: An Iron Hands Iron Father

I was supposed too be painting Eldar again this week, but sometimes you just have an urge to paint something else and have to go with it. That's how I decided to paint up the Forgeworld Iron Father; a really nice "hero" model for my new Iron Hands list...Here he is:...