Warmachine army building: Khador!

Warmachine army building: Khador!

I´ve decided to alternate old articles with new generation ones so here there is a new generation article: my humble start in warmachine army painting: Khador warjacks.Here is my first true attempt at using my airbrush in a mini, minis indeed cause I painted two...

I´m back with a pair of mournfang cavalry.

Hi all guys.After more than a year of absence for some personal reasons, I´ve decided to keep on with the table-top bloggind and here I am, with an article I should have posted more than four hundred days ago :DThere are two mournfang cavalry dudes in their mounts.The...

Ogre Conversion: Heavens Lore Butcher.

Here is the last post in my "Ogre shaman" thread: the Heavens lore butcher. Thing is I don´t know how this dude came to my mind, I know that the idea of a dude sporting a massive sledgehammer is always appealing to me so I took the idea of my Death lore butcher and...

Raven Guard conversion: Vulkan He´stan

Space Wolves have psyber ravens, blood angels and grey knights have the Stormraven, the dark angels have a company called Ravenwing...And what raven-named stuff Raven Guard have??Nothing... at all.So I´ve decided to keep converting special characters to the raven...