11/13/14: Catching up the Blog!

11/13/14: Catching up the Blog!

Howdy folks!Two...three...carry the one...now a six...three weeks?! It's been almost three weeks since I had a post up here! Holy crap! That's no good! Sorry for being quiet on this front folks, Facebook and Twitter are just easier to keep up with regularly for...
10/13/14: Welcome to Fort Hope Armies on Parade Display

10/13/14: Welcome to Fort Hope Armies on Parade Display

Howdy folks!This is my entry for the upcoming Armies on Parade contest Games Workshop holds every year! Got it done early as an upcoming commission is going to eat all of my time until the event. Enjoy the pictures (and my dining room set) and be sure to leave a...
10/3/14: Finished: Imperial Fists Pre-Heresy Felblade

10/3/14: Finished: Imperial Fists Pre-Heresy Felblade

Hey folks!Next up on catching up on blogposts is a giant yellow tank! Client has a Pre-Heresy Imperial Fists army *drools* and wanted his Felblade done up as a centerpiece for it! We did some talking, and he wanted to break up the yellow, yet still keep it...