5/25/14: Finished: The Obsidian Knight Freeblade Knight Titan

5/25/14: Finished: The Obsidian Knight Freeblade Knight Titan

Hey folks!Man, this has been the month of the Adeptus Titanicus! With the Raven/Metalica commission completed, and the next terrain commission in various stages of completion and drying, I broke this bad boy out and rocked him out nice and quick! This Knight is for...
5/21/14: Finished: Legio Metalica/House Raven Titanicus Army

5/21/14: Finished: Legio Metalica/House Raven Titanicus Army

Howdy folks!As you can see, I've been busy! Under three weeks to finish a commission like this is pretty good, methinks! I had a lot of fun working on an army like this. The commission, in total, was:3 Imperial Knight Titans, done in House Raven scheme with magnetized...
5/13/14: Legio Titanicus, Part Three

5/13/14: Legio Titanicus, Part Three

Hey folks!Sorry for the lack of updates last week, I was in Nebraska/South Dakota for my little brother's National Guard commencement and college graduation! As soon as I got back, though, I got right to work!I wrapped up the second Knight titan yesterday; they're all...
5/6/14: Legio Titanicus: Part Two

5/6/14: Legio Titanicus: Part Two

Howdy folks!The Holy Cogitators and Mechartisans continue work on the Omnissiah's treasured children! Time to paint some shoulderpad trim!The first Knight is nearing completion! House Raven doesn't have as many quartered schemes or colors as, say, Taranis or Terryn,...
5/5/14: Legio Titanicus: Part One

5/5/14: Legio Titanicus: Part One

Hey folks!So its begun! The Legio Titanicus commission is in full swing, and I'm working diligently to get everything ready for paint! For those of you who don't know, this commission is for:3x Knight Titans, magnetized for both Errant and Paladin options, and pained...