1/3/14: Finished: Necrons on Ice, Wave One

1/3/14: Finished: Necrons on Ice, Wave One

I prefer my Necrons shaken, not stirred, of course.Howdy folks!First off, hope you all had an incredible New Years, I know I did! Its nice to be back in the studio; I got back last night and, of course, jumped right back into painting! Nearly wrapped up my first...
12/31/13: SLW: A Most Odoriferous Look at 2013

12/31/13: SLW: A Most Odoriferous Look at 2013

Howdy folks!Hope you all had an excellent holiday! I walked away with a new lightbox, some Broncos gear, and the new Stronghold Assault book, as well as the time spent with my loved ones! I'm still out of the studio til the 2nd, but expect some hardcore painting to...
12/24/13: Happy Holidays!

12/24/13: Happy Holidays!

Hope you all have an excellent holiday! Relax, get some hobby in, don't drink too much, and be safe, everybody! Expect another post closer to the New Year; otherwise, see you all in 2014!Granesh
12/22/13: Necron C’Tan and Friends Commission WIP

12/22/13: Necron C’Tan and Friends Commission WIP

Howdy guys!So just a quick little post for this fine Sunday morning! I'm headed down to Good Games to pick up some additional product for painting that TERRAIN last week and play some games this afternoon, so I should be back in the studio this evening to...
12/15/13: Even More Terrain! Tundra Themed Terrain Set

12/15/13: Even More Terrain! Tundra Themed Terrain Set

Howdy folks!So its a little later than I'd promised, but instead of showing off some WIP shots of the terrain, I decided I'd just blow through it all super quick-like! Really pleased with this project overall, this is a table and a half worth of terrain finished in...